Christian Financial Planning Services
Helping guide you step by step to faithful stewardship in alignment with the kingdom of God.

Christian Financial Planning Services

Helping guide you step by step to faithful stewardship in alignment with the kingdom of God.

Are You Stewarding Your Resources Faithfully?

As Christians, we're called to deliberately plan our finances for the glory of God. Unintentional handling of money puts us at risk of missing our biblical calling to practice obedient stewardship of the resources God graciously provides.
Discover Biblical Stewardship Principles

Principles of Biblical Stewardship

Well-founded biblical beliefs are a fountainhead of God-honoring financial planning and the lifeblood of biblical stewardship. We believe the following core principles lead to success in holistic stewardship:

Work and Money

Work is given to us by God and should be done heartily for his glory — not for the love of money. While money is not inherently evil, we must guard our hearts against loving any worldly thing.

“Whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord and not for men”

Colossians 3:23


Giving is the best way to keep money from becoming a false idol. It helps us break free from the sins of covetousness and greed.

“A generous person will prosper; whoever refreshes others will be refreshed”

Proverbs 11:25


Saving is wise. However, our trust should not be in our money or possessions, but in the Lord.

“He who trusts in his riches will fall, but the righteous shall flourish as the green leaf”

Psalms 40:4


When we invest, it must be in line with God’s heart. We should be careful not to yoke ourselves to organizations that promote sin.

“For what partnership has righteousness with lawlessness? Or what fellowship has light with darkness”

2 Corinthians 6:14


Debt is a form of bandage that keeps us from progressing financially and effectively giving to others.

“The rich rules over the poor, and the borrower is the slave of the lender”

Proverbs 22:7


Leaving an inheritance for the next generations is the fruit of discipline and wisdom.

“A good man leaves an inheritance to his children's children, but the sinner's wealth is laid up for the righteous”

Proverbs 13:22

Christian Financial Planning Cornerstones

What does faithful stewardship look like, and how can you get there? It starts by assessing your current financial plan against our five cornerstones of Christian financial planning:


Know what you're stewarding

The first step to effectively stewarding your resources is knowing exactly what assets and liabilities you have to manage.


Assess your spending, saving, and giving

Taking control of your money and having a plan for how you spend is vital to securing long-term success as a faithful steward.


Plan for when you stop making money

Retirement should continue your work of faithful stewardship — whether that means planning more time for family, discipleship, ministry, or evangelism for the glory of God.


Protect your loved ones

Well-planned insurance coverage is essential to preparing for negative events that could drain your finances. Don't leave yourself or your loved ones at risk of financial disaster.


Document a plan to pass on your legacy

A deliberately documented legacy plan will help accomplish your vision for financial stewardship that could live for generations.

Christian Financial Planning That Promotes Good Stewardship

While the majority of financial advisors solely focus on building worldly wealth, the Christian financial advisors at Inspire Advisors can help you become a faithful steward by putting God first. Our Christian financial planning services offer peace of mind by inspiring obedience to Christ through faithful stewardship — and providing confidence in a financially stable future.
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